Complete Evaluation: This is when a doctor gives a patient an order for physical therapy. Evaluations are required prior to beginning therapy for determining the medical necessity of initiating a rehabilitative or maintenance service.
Therapeutic Exercise: This is preformed on dry land with a patient either actively, active assisted, or passively participating.
Stroke Rehabilitation: This therapy helps stroke survivors relearn skills that are lost when part of the brain is damaged. For example, these skills can include coordinating leg movements in order to walk or teach new ways to perform tasks to compensate for any residual disabilities.
Work Conditioning: Exercise program designed specifically for strengthening and conditioning in regards to job simulation for return to work.

Fitness Consultation: If a patients wants to participate in a self pace program we offer a one on one consult. During the consult the patient will be shown how to use various machines and weights properly to prevent harm and promote good health.
Women’s Health: The Omni Center, Inc. has developed a program devoted to evaluation, treatment, and prevention of urinary incontinence. Omni has joined the fight for therapeutic interventions in the women’s health movement.